Ageless Amazing Women

I was walking along and saw her sitting on a bench and just had to stop and take a photo. I could see Betty had a great style and joie de vivre.
She was waiting for children and grandchildren (which she said she had a lot of) at the Coral Casino. She was like a painting sitting there. I talked to her and asked what she advised those youngsters in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s coming up behind her. She said, “Smile when they are feeling down and always think happy thoughts.”
I love that!! It’s a perfect simple advice!
Let’s all think happy thoughts!!
After June 30, when I give a talk at Watermark in Los Angeles, I’m going to take Betty’s advice and think happy summer thoughts. I look forward to swimming, reading, a lot of golf and hanging out with my husband, friends and family!
I wish you all the same.
Have a wonderful July everyone!!!
This is Betty, enjoying life in great style at age 96.




Women Are Just Getting Started