Miracle Face Creams

Let’s talk about face creams, beauty creams, miracle masks and how many we really have in all different drawers and shelves. And yet, we keep buying them, right??

My mother, God bless her (aleha ha-shalom) was allergic to everything and passed those allergies down to me and I, in turn, passed them down to my daughter (sorry, Ter). I cannot use anything with perfume in it so therefore that eliminates all of the very expensive ones (thank God). Oh, I’ve tried all the La Mer’s, etc., my eyes would swell up and I’d move on, but that doesn’t stop me. I keep going for all the miracle creams (allergy tested, of course) I see at the drugstores.

I’m also a sucker whenever I go for a facial and the facialist whispers in my ear “this will tighten your pores, exfoliate your skin and put all the moisture back in.” Wow! I would be a fool to not buy those! I keep thinking that one of these is going to make me look like the right side of an ad you see in the magazines where the left side is all wrinkly, with a double chin and red blotches, and the right side is smooth with no discoloration and a chin to die for. So far, I still look like the left side. 

I​ looked in my bathroom drawers and this is what I found; retinol night cream, luminescent lifting serum, signature firming cream, (not yet) miracle mask (self explanatory, but still no miracles), perfecting polish, neck renewal cream (one can only hope), broad-range antioxidant treatment (this sounds serious) and Albolene (really the only one I’m not allergic to). And this is after I’ve thrown a bunch of miracles in the trash!  
At this age and stage, there is really not much one can do for their looks other than have your hair done and pray for a good hair day.
However, hope springs eternal!!!!


My Mother's Happiest Time


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